Hausloz Credit Default Guarantee offers benefits such as access to loans at preferred terms by recognizing the inherent strengths of the business, reduced risk of defaults and expanded lending opportunities. It empowers small businesses to grow, contributes to economic development and promotes more inclusive credit ecosystem.
Hausloz guarantee enables small businesses to avail loans at preferred terms and conditions.
Hausloz assessment goes beyond historical performance and financial information andincludes comprehensive underwriting of the business and its inherent strengths
A guarantee from a surety establishes the credibility of the business allowing to get access to scarce resources at preferred terms.
Hausloz guarantee eliminates the risk of borrower default by providing assurance to the lender that Hausloz will cover outstanding amounts in case of a default by the borrower.
The comprehensive assessment and protection offered by Hausloz gives lenders the confidence to extend credit to small businesses
Hausloz unique approach expand the lenders ability to explore new frontiers
Empowers enterprises by providing protection against non-payment, mitigating payment default...
Creates a conducive environment for long-term leasing agreements and supports business expansion...